Encrypter-X User Guide
Key bundle transfer
Encryption is often used not only to store files on one's own computer or in a cloud to protect them from unauthorized access, but also to share files, ensuring that they are unusable if they fall into the wrong hands during transmission.

For this the partner receiving the files must have the suitable key. So one would have to pass first the key and as once a connoisseur of the OTP method beautifully said, then one can pass also immediately the file. With the help of the MOPT method, however, the partner gets a whole bunch of keys which is handed over for the first time via USB stick or similar and some of these keys can then be used to encrypt further, new key bundles in order to be able to pass them on safely via the network.

This can be done in different ways. You can send the encrypted key bundles via mail, pass them on via FTP if FTP servers and clients are installed on both sides or transfer them directly between two Encrypter-X applications.

The functions for this can be accessed via the main menu item Tools.
Send key ...
Receive key ...
Send key

To set up the transmitter for the transmission of a key, the menu item Send key... must be clicked. must be clicked, whereupon the dialog for setting up the transmitter opens.
Here, the IP address of the partner and an agreed port must first be entered and the agreed port (here e.g. 63111) and its successor (63112) must be enabled in the firewalls on both sides. Then the key bundle to be transferred must be selected. All currently available key bundles are available for selection, with the exception of the currently selected key bundle, since this is required to encrypt the key to be transmitted and it must be ensured that this key bundle is also located on the recipient side.

If everything is prepared and the other side is ready, the connection can be checked with the Test function.
If everything has been prepared correctly, the red LED then turns green for a moment and then the Transmit button is activated. The transfer can then be started and the progress is displayed by means of a progress bar. Even during the transfer, the green LED indicates the flawless transfer.

If the transfer was successful, it ends with a success message (see below) and if the test fails or if problems occur during the transfer and an interruption occurs, the error is displayed and the cause must first be found and eliminated.
Receive key

Just as on the sender side, the menu item Receive key ... must be clicked to set up the receiver. The dialog for setting up the receiver opens.
Here you only have to enter the agreed port number and the destination drive for storing the received key bundle in its bundle folder. The key bundle brings along its name under which it is stored.

During a reception, the LED lights up green and a progress bar indicates the transfer. If the key bundle would be received without errors it will be saved in the bundle folder of the selected destination drive and the success message will be displayed.
If there is already a key bundle with the same name as the received one in the bundle folder of the selected target drive, a confirmation dialog will ask how to proceed with it.