Encrypter-X User Guide
Encrypt & Decrypt

To encrypt single or multiple files or entire folders and subfolders, simply press the button (see below left). It is activated when a key bundle is selected, otherwise it is inactive (see below right).
If the button was pressed, a file selection dialog is opened, where one or more files and/or folders can be selected. Only non-encrypted files are offered for selection, already encrypted files cannot be selected again.
During the encryption process, the progress is visulalized by a progress bar. When all files have been successfully encrypted, the end is indicated by a success message.
Occasionally, the currently selected key bundle may be too small to provide keys of sufficient length for all files to be encrypted. It is then up to the user to decide whether the files should still be encrypted with a key from the selected key bundle or whether the process should be aborted.
If the currently selected key bundle is a relatively large one, there is actually nothing to be said against performing the encryption, especially if the files to be encrypted are not pure ASCII texts. If the end of the key is reached during encryption, the encryption is continued at the beginning of the key. The files for which the key had to be extended cyclically are displayed in a dialog after encryption.
In Explorer, the encrypted files now no longer appear under their actual names. These have been replaced by names with 30 random hexadecimal characters.

To decrypt single or multiple files or whole folders and subfolders just press the button (see below left). It is activated if key bundles were found during the key bundle search.
If the button is pressed, a file selection dialog is opened in which one or more files and/or folders can be selected. Only encrypted files and folders for which the required keys are currently present are offered for selection. Unencrypted files cannot be selected.
During the decryption process, the progress is visulalized by a progress bar. If all selected files were successfully decrypted, the success is indicated by a message dialog.